Day 6 Erzurum and Raging Rivers
This was the first day were we didn’t have to get up at the crack of dawn to catch a bus somewhere so we slept in until about 8:00. We then tried to successfully operate the shower which managed to get every surface in the bathroom soaked while the person who needed cleaning stayed dry. Amazing really. We also switched on the T.V. to see if we could decipher any of the Turkish news. We were astounded to find out (we think, at least-our Turkish not being so stellar!) that the night before 4 people had died in a terrorist bombing in Bingoel!!! Glad we got out of there in one piece!!
We checked out of the hotel and found out when the buses to Yusieeli were leaving that afternoon. We had some time so we walked around town a bit looking for breakfast- especially egg dishes of sorts. After being directed to 4 or 5 different cafes-none of which had eggs but many had soups (soup seemed to be the breakfast dish of choice in Erzurum) we finally found a fast-food type place that had pizza and burgers and breakfast. So Mike got a pizza and I had a breakfast menu- and then we found out that the DID
After stuffing our faces- it had been a while since our last real meal- we set about walking around Erzurum. We went up to yet another fortress; this one had a clock tower. We admired the views and came down as a thunderstorm was rolling in. Then we walked around the Jewelry market and then decided to look for the ticket office for the bus.
We arrived around 12:30 and were happy to find out that a bus was leaving at 1:00. We got our ticket and made it to the station on time.
Curious as to the route we would be taking I dug around for the map we had purchased the day before and low and behold I had lost this one, too. Probably I left it in our hotel room. Traveling blind yet again- we headed to Yusefeli. Luckily we already knew where we wanted to stay.
The ride to Yusefeli was the prettiest ride we took in Turkey. We rode along roaring rivers and
We had read that one of the rafting headquarters also had a camping/pension with tree houses. A bit out of town and directly on the banks of the raging river we found Green Piece (yes that is how it is spelled!!) campground. We talked to the proprietor- a really friendly gentleman-who spoke great English- well the best we’d heard the whole trip. Unfortunately we found out that the water was TOO high for rafting. He was willing to take professionals but not amateurs. We were a bit disappointed but our hearts were not set on
Once the rafting issue was settled we pondered our lodging options; a room or a tree house? We took the tree house even though the owner said it could be chilly. It was just too much of a novelty to pass up!
We settled our things in our little home amongst the leaves and walked back into town. We looked for postcards and then checked our email and decided to go back to the campground for dinner
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