Softball comes to Azerbaijan!

This past weekend was the premier of the Azerbaijan interregional softball league in the regional capital of Barda- known for its white fetaesqe cheese. This softball leage is the brainchild of Larry Badger- PCV here in Ganja. In the States he is part of a traveling softball league out on the West Coast and in order to prepare for the coming season once he returns to the U.S. he wanted to start up a team or two in Azerbaijan. With equipment donated from his team in the U.S. and other sources, Azerbaijan now has 4 regional softball teams- Ganja, Barda, Mingechavir and Sheki. I've been helping Larry out with coaching the Ganja team. In addition
the Peace Corps Volunteers and others-(meaning me)there are several players from Azerbaijan on each team. The Ganja team has been practicing since early April, with a consistant group of 6 Azeris plus 4 Americans. It has been a ton of fun trying to explain the fundamentals of catching, throwing and hitting and then on top of that all the rules to softball. I never knew how complicated it is!! I don't remember ever NOT knowing how to play. As with any undertaking here there is always a bit of uncertainty as to whether the whole thing will get pulled off. Will the teams show up? Will the government shut it down? Will it rain?
But to the amazement of
many, on Saturday, 4 teams showed up, 4 very fun and highly competitive games were played.
It was a great, great day. There was even one Azeri woman who played for the Barda team. I have been trying to get some of the girls I know to play for Ganja but it is a challenge. Women and athletics don't really mix here. But I'm working on it. The next tournament will be in Ganja on the 9th and 10th of June. We are hoping to ask the Ambassador to come for a GREAT photo-op. We'll see if she can make it.