
Its probably about time that I told you all a little bit about where I live- the bustling metropolis of Ganja. Its actually quite appropriate that I talk about it this week because Ganja is celebrating its 2500th anniversary. The actual age of the city is disputed, some say its as old as 2700 years. Whatever the exact age, in any case Ganja is old, very old.
Ganja is the second largest city after Baku and has an estimated population of about 300,000 people. Its hard to tell how many people actually live here because I don’t think there is a real organized census that takes place and people come and go quite a bit. There are refugees from the Armenia occupied territories of Azerbaijan and many people are leaving Ganja to work in Baku and Moscow.
There is a small but bustling downtown area with many shops, a few Turkish restaurants and a central square. The rest of the city is just houses sprawling over a fairly large area. I am lucky enough to live in the center of the city. Although its loud, most everything is within walking distance so I don’t have to risk my life on the minibuses.

On my first day in Ganja I got my picture taken in front of the Heyder museum. The two attractive young men beside me are my supervisor, Shahla’s two children Jeffar and Azad.

The fountain has different lights and it plays various genres of music. And the flow of water to different spouts is set to the music. Its quite amazing really. The irony though is that Ganja now has a beautiful fountain that probably cost a lot of money, but there parts of the city that don’t have reliable water and the water situation in the villages nearby is even worse.

Beyond the fountain is the downtown mosque. One of my favorite things about living here is listening to the prayer calls. I was only slightly disappointed to learn that the calls are really tape recordings. But I have heard that sometimes the tapes get switched and less appropriate music gets blasted all over the city.

Behind the mosque is the Old Bath house which is now the home of the cities porcelain collection. I was lucky enough to get a private tour. There are some beautiful pieces- but I have to admit that plates and vases don’t excite me overly much.

One of the coolest buildings in Ganja is the bottle house. Ibragim Jaffarov used 48,000 glass bottles to decorate his house. There is a also a large portrait of his brother, who never returned from WWII on the back side of the house.
Lastly here is one of the few churches in Ganja. There is a small Russian Orthodox population in the city but most people are Muslim.